Did a bit of work this morning, to the tune of the latest Reel Horror Podcast, and then the wife had a cancelled meeting so we were able to make lunch plans. Macguffin called almost immediately afterwards, saying that he was going to be in town running errands of his own, so we all had a bite to eat at the Thai place that I force everyone to visit once a week.
The wife went to meet someone for a different project after we got back to the house, I took some time to show Macguffin a few highlights from The Protector, and then he split and I spent a bit of time with the Wii Tennis, which I'm finding quite addictive. I found myself reading through the linked forum back there for about five minutes before I realized I might be losing my mind and had to close the window. It's just a fucking game, right?
We attended the wrap-up party for one of her recent charity events, and since I'd had what amounted to noodles for lunch almost 6 hours earlier, I was pleasantly buzzed after about three cocktails, and the bartenders are the same gentlemen who worked our wedding reception, and quite good at their job, so I felt quite catered to.
We hit a drive-thru for some chicken on the way back home, and then the wife started cooking for (you guessed it) another charity-related meeting she's supposed to bring food to tomorrow night. I played around with Wii Fitness for a bit, as well as some more tennis because I'm a glutton for punishment. I helped the wife finish stirring and storing the heaping containers of chicken spaghetti, helping myself to a small portion on the sly. We watched Anthea Turner try to whip some more housewives into shape on Perfect Housewives, and then the Showbiz Show and called it a night.
The guests for the Mother In Law's party this Saturday begin flying in tomorrow, so I'm out kids, as I may have to be at the airport by mid-morning.