Thursday, September 30, 2010

Light Up Naija @ 50

In 1960, Nigeria was granted Independence from Britain and Stateman and titan of African Politics, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe became the first president of Nigeria. The life expecting rate of the average Nigerian was 56years, now its just 47years (UNICEF stats). The exchange rate of the Naira (Introduced in 1973) to the Great British Pound was 2 Naira to 1 pound but now its 245 Naira to 1 pound. From 1960-date Nigeria has wasted 2 generations and 48years and has accumulated a total debt of over 43 billion dollars. Jesus.

Yet since 1960, the oil income amounted to 600 billion dollars and presently has a GDP of over 207 billion dollars!

In this democratic dispensation HOW CAN past Military Rulers like Muhammadu Buhari, military ruler 1983-1985 and Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, Head of Military Junta that ruled Naija, 1985-1993 still vie for the post of democratic president of this new generation Nigeria? Forward Ever, Backward Never my dear followers.. We must say no to going back.. They had their chance.. "El Buhari" will be remembered for his handling the food crisis of 1984-1985 and IBB will always be remembered for the annulment of the June 12, 1993 Democratic Elections! Believed to be one of the fairest electoral processes till date in our beloved nation. As a result, he was tagged and will always be tagged "Enemy of Democracy".. You do the reasoning.. Its your vote that counts..

We are in a new dispensation.. Its called Democracy!.. One Man, One Vote! There are alot of democratic oriented, modern and capable politicians in our country now..

Dr. Jonathan is a man well recognized for his cluster of achievements  and immense contributions to the polity, communal liberalism, growth, and general welfare of the people. Beyond these, he is a humble man, dearly loved and respected. He is a teacher, technocrat, a democrat, a man of transparent honesty and humility.

Nuhu Ribadu was the director of the EFCC in 2003.. During that period, alot of changes were observed in Nigeria in terms of fighting corruption.. Alot of corrupt politicians were brought to book..

There also many other capable leaders of Nigeria, so why go back? We must continue to  remain united and prevent the Biafra crisis of 1967 where over 1 million people died. Despite all these setbacks and greedy politicians, I still love Naija so much and am proud of my dear country but We must be wise and seek for change!

Like a friend of mine posted on Facebook, "If I get better as a person! Then naija has gotten better' by one more person'... That's it, if we all get better' then naija is on the way to becoming! Better".. Food for thought, Stop corruption..

What is #LightUpNigeria?
#LightUpNigeria is a movement advocating for constant electric power to Nigerian homes and businesses.

For over 3 decades, due to a combination of the failure of government, corruption and sabotage, electricity supply to the Nigerian people has been inconsistent and abysmal.

#Lightupnigeria is targetting its advocacy at the Federal, State and Local governments to make sustainable power generation and supply a priority.

Advocacy is also targetted at investors, who, empowered by a new act deregulating the power sector in Nigeria, can contribute profitably to help generate power to fill Nigeria’s energy requirements.

#LightupNigeria also seeks to engage citizens who’s responsibility it is not only to continue to demand a sustainable solution to the power problem but to ensure that investments in the power sector do not fall prey to sabotage or corruption.

#LightUpNigeria is not a political campaign or organization.
Visit today and Join the revolution!

Please review my disclaimer below.. This write up is just a representation of my mind and is solely meant for my followers. I beleive in Justice and Equality.. Leaders should be there to serve and not to impact more suffering on Nigerians.. Finally, this article, Light Up Naija @ 50 is not a publication of the revolution group, #LightUpNigeria. It is a publication of this blog.

Celebrate Naija, She is our own


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