Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Departed(2006)

The Departed(2006) -Tamil dubbed

Story Line:
At a young age, Colin Sullivan (Damon) is introduced to organized crime through Irish mobster Frank Costello (Nicholson) in the Irish neighborhood of Southie in Boston. Costello trains him to become his mole inside the Massachusetts State Police. Sullivan is accepted into the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), which focuses on organized crime. Before he graduates from the police academy, Billy Costigan (DiCaprio) is asked by Captain Queenan (Sheen) and Staff Sergeant Dignam (Wahlberg) to become an undercover agent, as his childhood and family ties to organized crime make him a perfect infiltrator. He drops out of the academy and does time in prison on a fake assault charge to increase his credibility.
As both infiltrate their respective organizations, Sullivan begins a romance with psychiatrist Madolyn Madden (Farmiga). Costigan sees her for his probation and also develops a relationship with her. Shortly after, Costigan makes love to her before she moves in with Sullivan. After Costello barely escapes a sting operation, both moles become aware of the other's existence (though not his identity). Sullivan is told to find the "rat" and asks Costello for his crew's information to determine who is the informer within Costello's crew. Costigan follows Costello into a movie theater where Costello gives Sullivan an envelope with the details. Costigan then chases Sullivan through Boston's Chinatown, during which Sullivan pulls out a pocket knife and stabs an innocent bystander in the stomach. When it is over, both men still do not know each other's identity. Sullivan then has Queenan tailed as he meets Costigan in an abandoned building. Sullivan sends Costello's men in and Queenan distracts them to let Costigan escape. He is thrown from the roof and dies at the feet of Costigan, who is covered in some of Queenan's blood. When the mobsters escape, Costigan pretends he has come to rejoin them. The trailing state troopers open fire on Costello's crew, which causes casualties on both sides. Later, at one of Costello's safe houses, Delahunt (one of Costello's enforcers) tells Costigan "I gave you the wrong address--but you went to the right one" but then asks him if he knows why he didn't say anything about before dying. When Costello's henchman, Fitzgibbons, known as "Fitzy," (O'Hara) does an unsuccessful job of hiding Delahunt's corpse, it's revealed that Delahunt was also an undercover cop with the Boston PD. Costello says, "They're saying he's a cop so I won't look for the cop."
Now under scrutiny, Sullivan is attacked by a suspicious Dignam because of Queenan's death. Ellerby places Dignam on leave. Using Queenan's bloody phone, Sullivan reaches Costigan, who refuses to abort his mission. Sullivan learns of Costello's role as an informant for the FBI from Queenan's diary, causing him to worry about his dual identity being revealed. With Costigan's help, Costello is tracked to a cocaine drop-off, where he and his crew become trapped in a gunfight with police, resulting in most of the mobsters being killed. As Costello attempts an escape he is confronted by Sullivan. Costello admits he is an occasional FBI mole and tries to shoot, but Sullivan fires first fatally hitting him, then when Costello tries to shoot him again Sullivan shoots him multiple times, killing him. With Costello dead, Sullivan is applauded the next day by everyone on the force. In good faith, Costigan comes to him for restoration of his true identity, but notices an envelope containing details of Costello's men on Sullivan's desk and flees. Knowing he has been found out, Sullivan erases all records of Costigan from the police computer system.
Costigan leaves an envelope in the care of Madolyn and tells her he will talk with her in two weeks. Later, she reveals to Sullivan that she is pregnant, but it isn't revealed who the father is. Afterwards she discovers a package from Costigan. It contains a CD and a phone number for Sullivan. Madolyn listens and discovers that it contains recordings of Costello's conversations with Sullivan. Sullivan walks in on her and tries to assuage her suspicions, but she locks herself away from him. He hastily contacts Costigan, who reveals that Costello recorded every conversation he had with Sullivan. Since Costigan was the only person Costello actually trusted, Costello's attorney left Costigan in possession of the recordings and therefore Costigan intends to implicate Sullivan. They agree to meet at the building where Queenan died.
On the roof, Costigan catches Sullivan off-guard, assaults him and hand-cuffs him at gunpoint. As Costigan had secretly arranged, Officer Brown appears on the roof as well. Shocked, Brown draws his gun on Costigan. Costigan attempts to justify his actions by exposing Sullivan as the rat, but Brown does not fully believe him. Costigan asks Brown why Dignam did not accompany him as per their agreement, but Brown does not answer. Using Sullivan as a shield, Costigan leads Sullivan into the elevator. As it reaches the ground, Costigan is shot point blank in the head by Barrigan, another police officer. Brown reaches the ground floor and is killed by Barrigan as well. Barrigan reveals to Sullivan that Costello had more than one mole in the police, and suggests that they must avoid being traded to the FBI. Sullivan waits for Barrigan to turn then shoots him in the back of the head, the only survivor. At police headquarters, Sullivan blames all mole activity on Barrigan and has Costigan posthumously given the Medal of Merit.
At Costigan's funeral, Sullivan and Madolyn stand at the grave. She is clearly distraught. Sullivan attempts to discuss the future of her child, but she ignores him. Later, Sullivan enters his apartment with groceries, and to his surprise finds Dignam waiting for him, wearing hospital footies and surgical gloves to leave no trace of his presence and aiming a silenced pistol straight at him. Aware of Sullivan's treachery, Dignam shoots him in the temple. As Sullivan collapses dead, Dignam calmly exits Sullivan's apartment. A rat crawls along the apartment balcony, with the view of the Massachusetts State House in the background.
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Produced by
Screenplay by William Monahan
Story by
Music by Howard Shore
Cinematography Michael Ballhaus
Editing by Thelma Schoonmaker
Distributed by Warner Bros.
Release date(s) September 26, 2006 (2006-09-26)(New York City premiere)
October 6, 2006 (United States)
Running time 151 minutes
Country United States
Language English

Direct Download
File Info:

Size.............: 344Mb
Genre:...........: Action | thriller
Video Format.....:MKV
Resolution.......: 720 x 320
Audio Language...: Tamil
Audio Type.......: AAC @ 160kbps


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