Saturday, October 23, 2010

Minority Report 2002

Minority Report(2002) - Tamil Dubbed

Story Line:

In 2054, an experimental Washington, D.C. police force called Precrime has completely neutralized murder in the city. Precrime employs three "precogs", mutated humans with precognition to view murders that occur in the future; the officers of Precrime then analyze and interpret their visions to track down and stop the murder before it happens. John Anderton is chief of the force, working under its director Lamar Burgess, however, he hides the fact that he is addicted to an illegal psychoactive drug called neuroin since the disappearance of his son Sean, which also caused his wife Lara to leave him.
On the eve of the Precrime program being taken to a national level, a Department of Justice representative, Danny Witwer, arrives to investigate the program. The Precrime officers are wary of Witwer, who they believe is trying to turn control of Precrime over to the Department of Justice. During Witwer's visit, the precogs foresee Anderton killing a man named Leo Crow in a few days; Anderton escapes the facility and a subsequent manhunt once the precrime is discovered. Believing himself to be set up by Witwer, who has discovered his addiction, Anderton tracks down Dr. Iris Hineman, the lead researcher for Precrime. She reveals that the precogs do not always agree about the future, and that the differing vision, a "minority report," could show Anderton not committing the murder and thus prove his innocence. Anderton undergoes eye replacement surgery to avoid the iris identification systems throughout the city. He then uses his old eyes to enter Precrime headquarters and abduct Agatha, the precog that Hineman noted always had the minority report.
Using Agatha's future insight to avoid capture, Anderton takes Agatha to a hacker to extract her vision of Leo Crow's murder, but finds it is the same as the original report. However, Agatha provides Anderton with her vision of the death of a woman named Anne Lively, which Anderton records. Chased by Precrime, Anderton and Agatha end up at the apartment where Crow is to die; they find his room, covered with hundreds of pictures of children including Sean. When Crow enters, Anderton holds him at gunpoint, but at Agatha's pleading decides to arrest him instead, invalidating the prediction. Crow admits that he is only here to be killed by Anderton to have his family paid off handsomely and he didn't have any involvement with Sean. Anderton refuses to kill Crow and demands to know who set this up, but Crow forces himself on Anderton's gun and makes him pull the trigger. Anderton and Agatha flee to Lara's home, while Witwer and Precrime investigate the crime scene.
Witwer doubts Anderton killed in cold blood, and his investigation leads him to discover the Anne Lively murder. He approaches Burgess to reveal that the Ann Lively precog vision differs slightly from the one that Anderton had downloaded from Agatha. Witwer proposes these two visions represent separate murders; because precogs sometimes experience relapses of past murders, or "echoes," Witwer explains someone could get away with murder by hiring someone to try and kill Lively, and allowing the crime to be prevented by Precrime. Having viewed the precog vision beforehand, the murderer would then kill Lively in exactly the same way as depicted in the precog vision, fooling Precrime into thinking they were viewing an echo and not a separate murder. Witwer intuits that the murderer would have to be someone high up in Precrime to have viewed the precog vision and then erase it from the Precrime archives. Burgess then kills Witwer, noting that without Agatha, the precog hive mind couldn't predict this murder. He then frames Anderton for the murder, knowing that he would have ample motive for killing Witwer.
After being taken in by Lara, Anderton comes to realize that Anne Lively is Agatha's mother, and the knowledge of her death is the reason for the manhunt against him, and shares this with Lara. Precrime arrives at Lara's home and Anderton is taken into custody, while Agatha is put back into the system. Burgess, preparing for a celebratory dinner for the Precrime program, consoles Lara, but accidentally reveals more about Lively's murder than he should know. Lara forces the release of Anderton from prison. During the dinner, Anderton calls Burgess while Agatha's vision of Lively's death is played for the guests. The footage clearly shows Burgess as the murderer, having set up a false target just as Witwer had predicted. Burgess had killed Lively to stop her from attempting to take her daughter Agatha back. Burgess then had Anderton set up when he knew too much.
As Burgess takes the gun he was awarded at the Precrime ceremony to use on Anderton, Precrime receives reports that Burgess will kill Anderton. Anderton notes to Burgess the dilemma he is in: either he can kill Anderton, thus demonstrating Precrime works but becoming a murderer himself, or he can spare him, showing Precrime as a failure. Anderton reveals the fundamental flaw of the system: if one knows his or her own future, he or she can change it. Burgess decides to commit suicide and kills himself as Precrime arrive at the scene. As a result, the Precrime division is shut down, with all those incarcerated by them released. Anderton later reunites with Lara (shown pregnant with their second child), while the three precogs are allowed to live out their normal lives, far out on a remote island, where they can no longer be troubled by future visions.
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Produced by Gerald R. Molen
Bonnie Curtis
Walter F. Parkes
Jan de Bont
Associate producer:
Michael Doven
Written by Scott Frank
Jon Cohen
John August (uncredited)
Philip K. Dick
(short story)
Starring Tom Cruise
Colin Farrell
Samantha Morton
Max von Sydow
Music by John Williams
Cinematography Janusz Kamiński
Editing by Michael Kahn
Studio Amblin Entertainment
Cruise/Wagner Productions
Distributed by DreamWorks
20th Century Fox
Release date(s) June 21, 2002 (2002-06-21)
Running time 145 minutes
Country United States
Language English


Size.............: 655Mb
Genre:...........: Action | Comedy
Video Format.....: AVI
Resolution.......: 720 x 320
Audio Language...: Tamil
Audio Type.......: AAC @ 160kbps


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